

Today FIS is recognized as an institution that cares, that nurtures and encourages our children to do their best in every sphere.

Teachers at all grade levels and in every subject draw inspiration from the students’ innate curiosity and find joy in collective inquiry, reflection, and discovery. We prepare our students to be empathetic and thoughtful citizens. As they learn to work both collaboratively and independently, our students develop the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to truly let their lives speak.

We ensure that students learn to organize, to problem solve and apply their learning (irrespective of the activity) to the various roles that they take on in school. Whether it is organizing competitions, editing the School magazine and Year Book, conducting the FIS MUN, coming up with paperless solutions in the form of school e-elections or swiping invites at our Annual Day functions, or even making a canteen menu App, students are constantly finding solutions and thinking beyond the required curriculum.

Students learn to explore their areas of interest, specialise in them and turn them into their strengths.

We teachers help them discover themselves as they go through the following experiences in school:

  • Exposure to the drill and practice in academics
  • The physical challenges endured in sports along with mental agility and the ability to take failure in the right spirit
  • The challenges faced in leading a group or being an active member of a team working towards a common goal
  • Overcoming the nervousness experienced on stage, in front of an audience, during class assemblies
  • Falling in step with the team, to be in sync with the beat and the rhythm of the performing arts
  • Ability to speak, express, present, demonstrate, showcase before an audience.
  • Ability to create original pieces of work in literature and visual art or models in science by applying the laws.
  • Getting accustomed to thinking, reasoning, constant questioning and probing.